Let's Make a Working Candle Sconce!

      This is a working candle sconce that I made, using a fantastic tutorial from Bindel's Ornaments.  I have often thought about the lighting, and never managed to buy commercially made lights, as they all look the same, and I find that they are quite chunky.  I can't quite afford some of the amazingly detailed lights that are available from artisans, so I was delighted when I found this compromise.  Lighting may be my 'next big thing'!

I followed the tutorial, but changed the back decorative panel, as I wanted something a little different.  I found Bindel's to be very reasonably priced, and managed to do this sconce for about 7 euros, which is great.


      I didn't want gold, as I find it a little too bright, and also, it would have been highly unrealistic in my house, as it is not a 'grand' house, but rather one of an 'old family fallen on hard times'.  So I used Humbrol metalcote to give it a burnished, almost black sheen.

   This is also a good colour choice for Daviot House as all the walls are natural plaster, which is very, very pale.  I need a lot of contrast!

      I followed the Bindel's tutorial using jeweller's cement to stick the pieces together.  It was a very quick and easy process, and I managed to to it all standing up in the kitchen with my twin toddlers running around!

      The moment of truth happened when I attached a plug and switched on the electricity - it works!

            I highly recommend Bindels, they also have a lot of other tutorials on their site and, above all, their postage costs are really reasonable.  That's super important for someone like me who has to order EVERYTHING online, as Lyon is miniature-poor (though we do have a Miniatures Museum... ironic, really).

               I cannot wait to make some more very soon!



  1. That is so simple and straightforward yet looks so impressive. Thanks for the link too.

    How many of us "create" standing in the kitchen? I've done it as well!

  2. Hi Jonquil! Yes, I've met Marijke Bindels, she has good and very wonderful stuff, so you can make a lot of your own miniatures. She is a kind lady and she has always good advice on the fairs. I like the color of the candle sconce you've made, I agree with your opinion to change the color: it is great!
    Have a nice weekend, Ilona

  3. Te ha quedado fantástico!! Yo les suelo comprar bastante a Bindels, cómo bien dices sus precios son económicos y los gastos de envío también.


  4. Very realistic and very beautiful. I am much too clumsy to make my own lighting, but I did paint over the brassy accents.

  5. Big thank you for this post. I also live in a miniature-non-existant country. Buying online is the only solution except for making everything myself.
    I love the light. I want one too. And if I can make one with two kids tagging my skirt... it's even better. Thank you. Hugs.

  6. Your candle scone is beautiful. Fantastic work. Thanks for the link :)
    Hugs Maria

  7. Hello Jonquil,
    You did a wonderful job and I thank you for the tutorial link. I can't wait to see their other projects. Great job my friend,
    Big hug,


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