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The Yellow Drawing Room

I've been away for a while, and my blog has been a little neglected, as I lost my father recently after a short illness.  My dad made many things for my dolls houses when I was a child, and though they are sadly lost now, he is probably the person that gave me an eye for detail and the delight in the small.   Daviot House and my miniatures have been an absolute solace during these times, and I truly believe in the therapeutic qualities of staring into small boxes and trying to make a room come to life. So I have (more or less) finished the Yellow Drawing Room, including the carpet that I started at the end of the summer last year. Regular readers might recognize this room... formally the Music Room. I was happy with that room, but the configuration of Daviot House frustrated me - the Music Room would be better on the first floor, next to the Dining Room for evening entertainments, rather than next to the Library, which would need a little peace and quiet.   There are no stairs (as

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A little Aside (room)