Hall Sneak Peak



  1. Oh wow that is gorgeous! You sure know how to... Alway leave them wanting more! :-)

  2. La tua coerenza di stile e di immagine hanno dato e continuano a dare grande forza a questo piccolo-grande blog sofisticato, da connoisseurs. Queste foto dall'uscio lasciano tanto all'immaginazione. Sono proprio belle.

  3. Hello Jonquil,
    Showing us such amazing, beautiful pictures and showing the whole room is just mini-cruel!
    It looks terrific and I cannot wait to see it all.
    big hug,

  4. Hi Jonquil
    The Hallway looks great! I love the fireplace and the brick surround! I can't wait to see more. The floor came out really well x

  5. Love it and your little lantern clock is very good. I do enjoy the sneak peeks as they always leave folk wanting to see more!

  6. I have been absent for a long time from my blog and those of others, but tonight I went through all your last year posts and I can tell you that I LOVE all your work and fabulous progress of your project.
    It's a feast for the eyes and heart :-)
    Mini lovely hugs,

  7. What a beautiful site you have with wonderful photo's that shows us how beautiful you can build.
    I love your work.

    Kind regards Alexandra.

  8. Me again! You made mention on another blog about sealing your stone floor - I have a real stone floor in The Tenement and it was sealed with pva. It dries clear with a matt finish.

  9. Nothing better than a sneak peak! It looks wonderful, I just love the stone surround.

    Fi x


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