Musée des Tissus, Lyon

   It's funny when you live in a place, the way you can take things for granted.  It struck me recently whilst reading your blogs (which are wonderful) that a lot of miniature enthusiasts are extremely fond of and inspired by all things French.  I live in Lyon, a mini version of Paris, where we are really spoilt for choice in terms of architecture. I visited the Musée des Tissus (Textile Museum) again recently, mostly to get some inspiration from their fabulous 18th century textile section, and I realised that maybe I should post a few French things from time to time.  

I love the courtyard of the museum, which is tucked away in a residential area behind big gates.  It is like stepping back in time.  Sadly, I couldn't take photos of the inside of the museum, as the fabrics are very fragile and don't need a bunch of visitors to speed up the decay!  But I did take this sneaky pic of the staircase, because it seemed so lovely, if a little neglected.


  1. What a beautiful building, and very French (no surprise there! lol!) thank you for posting this. I like teh courtyard too, and particularly teh staircase!

  2. Thanks Andy,

    I'll try to take more architectural pictures from time to time. Seeing the enthusiasm that people have for something that is on my doorstep makes me appreciate it a bit more!

    (Plus the croissants here are great!)

  3. Thank you for posting these lovely photographs! That is a beautiful building indeed. I am a huge fan and admirer of all things "French". It is a treat to get to see Lyon through your eyes......please post more!
    Warm regards from Ray

  4. Thank you so much for posting the gorgeous pictures! Please, do it again ;) The stairs and the courtyard are very beautiful!
    Hugs, Ilona


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