Daviot House

   The house I want to start building is still very firmly in my head - as I have been so busy with non-mini life recently, I didn't want to take on an enormous project, only to have it linger and gather dust.  So I am constructing my house as roomboxes, which I will then transfer to the house whenever I get around to doing that.  This way, I'll feel like I've achieved something, rather than being overwhelmed.

  The house (in my head) is a Scottish vernacular house, dating from the 17th century, built from stone and whitewashed.  Inspiring examples are Traquair House and Hamilton House, Prestonpans (see photos), in Scotland. This architecture evolved from simple buildings that were added to according to the prestige of their owners, and predates the 'Scot's Baronial' style of the Victorians.  Note the really small windows, thick walls and heraldic carving.


The interiors are generally quite simple; stone floors and fireplaces, plaster walls and beams on the ceiling.  Some examples of painted ceilings exist, where wooden beams were painted with bright vibrant colours.

  It's always really difficult choosing a period for a dollshouse; I like a range of architectures and styles right up to, but not including the Victorian era.  My problem is that real houses are never fully furnished with things from the same date, but a range of furniture and accessories.  For example, you could find Jacobean, Rococco, Queen Anne, and late Georgian furnishings in a house where the same family had stayed for centuries.  I want my house, Daviot House to reflect that history.  So I've chosen an 1834 setting, but a house that is packed with family heirlooms.  Why 1834?  Well, it is the date on a sampler that has been handed down in my family, and a mini version of which I want to tackle in the near future.


  1. Affascinante questa storia del sampler di famiglia che vi tramandate dal 1834. Non lo ricordavo questo particolare. La mia data è il 1859, quella della storia del romanzo, ma neanche a me piace il Vittoriano. Sono d'accordo con te che un ambiente, pur essendo inquadrato in un periodo, per essere il più vero possibile deve per forza contenere gli elementi della storia di una casa tramandati negli anni. Non immagino infatti, nel mio caso, Blanche e Christabel in un ambiente classico, come nel film, ma in un ambiente più informale, carico delle suggestioni pre-raffaellite, più gotico e fantasioso. Peccato che hai eliminato i post di due anni fa, c'era un bustino nero che sembra interessante.


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